
Wolves and Me, Now

Before gathering new information on this Quest, it’s helpful to know how you feel about wolves right now. What are your personal thoughts about coexisting with wolves?

Watch the video below to meet Cassiopeia (Cassi) Camara, PhD student with the Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence at Colorado State University. She investigates human attitudes, beliefs and behavior related to conservation. Click on the Pre-Quest Survey link and complete the survey she created for the Quest.

If you are taking this survey as part of a class, your teacher may have assigned your class a Wolf Pack Name, and you a Wolf Number. You will need these pieces of information for the survey to help us keep track of pre- and post-responses, while also keeping your responses anonymous. If you are not taking this survey as part of a class, come up with a made-up name you can use on your pre- and post-survey so we can match your responses. Make sure to write down your name and number so you remember it for the post-survey!

If you’d like to look at class survey data for patterns and trends, teachers can request it by contacting Cassie at 

Points to Ponder

Share your responses to these two questions in pairs or triads. 
  1. What experiences have influenced how you think about wolves?
  2. Where have you gotten information about wolves over your lifetime? What have family, friends, schools, books, TV and movies, or personal experiences taught you about wolves?

What influences how you feel and what you know about coexisting with wolves?

Your Identity


Your identity is a unique combination of lenses through which you see the world and its issues. Identity can include your race, gender, age, class, culture, spiritual beliefs, and where you live. What others can you think of? Your identity affects how you perceive yourself, others, what’s around you, and what happens to you. 

Distinguishing Facts from Myths

Facts are supported by overwhelming evidence gathered through scientific investigations. Wolves are one of the most scientifically researched animals on Earth! 

Misperceptions are often based on myths or misinformation, instead of facts. Perceptions are how you interpret or understand someone or something. They are influenced by your culture, folklore (or media), education, values, beliefs, personal experiences, media choices, and the views of other people. 

Points to Ponder

  1. How would you describe YOUR identity? You can make a list or create a collage of images or words.
  2. Create a 2-column table. In one column list what you think are facts about wolves. In the other column, list what you think are myths. Come back to this list when you are on the Facts & Myths page.
  3. What's a message that stood out to you when listening to the video?