
Engaging Others


Now that we know how important the longleaf pine ecosystem is to our area, we have to make sure to tell everyone else about about it! Having others know about the longleaf pine ecosystem will help us in our efforts, and get more people helping our ecosystem!

How has this Quest changed your perceptions?

Think back to your first experience with observing the Longleaf Ecosystem. What new things have you learned? Has your opinion of the ecosystem changed? How did this Quest motivate you to take action? Are you more willing to help other things in your environment than you were before?

How can you inspire others to learn about

and help the longleaf pine ecosystem?

Your thoughts and feelings about this ecosystem have probably changed a lot over the course of your Quest. Think about what other people's opinions on the longleaf ecosystem might be. Would they be the same as yours? Do you think you could use your solution to show others what you know about this ecosystem? How would you let them know?

Planning Decisions

Consider how to best share what you've learned with others:

  • What is the message we want to share?
  • Who is our audience?
  • How can we get others excited about helping this ecosystem?

Write your ideas down in your Hero Journal.