Habitat Types

"In brainstorming about what species need to survive, I identified four essential elements - Water, Shelter, Food, and Space! I bet the plants and animals that live in the longleaf forest all depend on the forest to provide these things."
Nina is right! Species living in the longleaf forest depend on a healthy ecosystem, including the forest and each other - to provide these essential elements of a habitat. But - the longleaf forest is not all the same, so you won't find the same species of plants and animals living everywhere. There are four categories of habitat types found in the longleaf forest, which you can see in the map below.
"Did you know that these different habitat types are based on soil, topography, and climate? Different species depend on different conditions, so the easiest way to talk about species living in the longleaf forest is to organize them into the habitat type."
Enter your school or home address into the map above to see if you live within a particular habitat type or close to one. Click on the button for that habitat type to learn about the plant and animal species that live there.