
Quest Reflections


How has this Quest changed you?

You’ve completed a project that has helped restore the health of soil in your community. By restoring soil health you are also helping slow climate change. As a Soil Hero, you now have a deeper understanding of the importance of healthy soil for our food, natural ecosystems, and changing climate. 

A critical next step is to reflect back on the Quest to spotlight lessons learned, highlights, and challenges. Think back to the beginning and your first experience observing soil. How has this Quest changed your understanding, skills and confidence related to soil, climate change, and designing solutions to problems? 

You can choose any or all of the Reflection Ideas below, or you can create your own. 

Group Reflection

KND Chart: As a group, take one final look at your KND lists, revising them based on your complete Quest experience. Individually or as a group, write a reflection statement describing how each of the three lists have changed from the first to the last versions.

Tell the story of your Quest by creating a visual, verbal or written presentation that highlights each part of your Quest.

  • Planeteer’s story and call to action
  • Question
  • Uncover
  • Explore
  • Solve
  • Teach

Personal Reflection 

4-3-2-1:  Finish these statements

  • The FOUR most important things I learned about soil, climate, and designing solutions to environmental problems
  • The THREE most important things I learned about myself as a participant in this Quest
  • The TWO things I will do differently on my next real-world problem-solving experience
  • My ONE moment or new understanding that I will never forget

Open Responses: Write or discuss responses to these questions: 

  • How have your perceptions about soil changed?
  • How have your perceptions about climate change changed? 
  • What is the one thing you want other people to notice about your project site?
  • What is one message related to your Quest that you want people to know and understand?
  • What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this project?