project Ideas
Food Composting
Composting is a great natural way to get nutrients and carbon back into your garden! As a bonus, composting can reduce food waste, which in turn reduces those dangerous greenhouse gases that contribute to warming our climate. You can compost almost anywhere with a little planning and creativity. The resources below will help you decide whether you want to compost at home, at your school, or try to implement some larger city-wide composting. Once your compost is done, you can spread it on any garden or growing space you want to to add nutrients to your soil, provide mulch cover for topsoil, increase soil drainage, and encourage beneficial insects and microbes to live there.
Relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The United NationsĀ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG's) are a list of projects and actions that all countries can take on to improve their economies and reduce poverty while also protecting the planet. If you choose this project for your Quest, you will help address climate change through the goals listed below:
Relevant Drawdown Solutions
Drawdown solutions are a list of actions and technologies that draw down carbon from the atmosphere and benefit people and communities at the same time. By choosing this project for your Quest, you will be helping decrease carbon in our atmosphere in the following ways:
Helpful Resources
If you're interested in this project, here are some resources that you might find helpful: