soil quest
Earth's healthy soil is rapidly disappearing. This is speeding up climate change as unhealthy soil both releases more carbon into the atmosphere and sequesters less carbon from the atmosphere. How can we restore the health of soil around us, and in doing so, help slow climate change? It is time to use what you've learned about soil to identify, design, and carry out a project that can help SOLVE the problem with soils.

Points to Ponder
Revisit the KWDs you wrote at the beginning of your Quest. Add and edit them to include what you've learned and experienced. Mark questions you have answered, and ones you still need or want to answer.
K: KNOW. Check off any questions that you've answered. Highlight ones you still need and want to answer. Add any new ones.
N: NEED to know. Mark any questions that you have answered. Highlight ones you still need and want to answer. Add new questions.
D: DO. Highlight any that you think are relevant solutions to help soil around you. Cross out any ideas that are no longer relevant, and add new ones.