project Ideas
Pesticide-Free Schoolyard
We know that the use of pesticides, or toxic chemicals designed to kill insects that are pests, are a major threat to pollinators. These pesticides, along with herbicides used to kill organisms like unwanted plants and fungus, are sprayed in order to control the population of these organisms. Pollinators either absorb the poison through their skin or they consume it when they eat the nectar and pollen from the flowers. One class of pesticide that is particularly dangerous for pollinators is called neonicotinoids, which are absorbed by the plant through the soil, making the whole plant poisonous.
One way you can protect your pollinator species is to work with your school (or even your school district!) to make your schoolyard a pesticide free zone. This means that no toxic chemicals will be used around your school to kills insects and weeds. Instead, your school can use natural methods for pest control, such as encouraging other natural predators or using organic products.
Relevant United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG’s) are a list of projects and actions that all countries can take on to improve their economies and reduce poverty while also protecting the planet. If you choose this project for your Quest, you will help address climate change through the goals listed below:
Questions to Consider
As you consider this project idea, here are some questions to ask:
Does this project address the threats of your pollinator species? How?
How can this project help your ecosystem?
- What are the specific ways your project will help your pollinator species? If you feel like your project won't help enough, you can combine multiple projects.
Is this an effective project for the space in which you are working?
Does your class have the time, money, and ability to do this project?
Helpful Resources
Here are some useful resources if you choose to go with this project:
- Bee City USA is a program of Xerces Society that helps communities and campuses go pesticide free
- Beyond Pesticides has a state-by-state list of groups that are also concerned about pesticides that could help you.
- Alternatives to Using Pesticides in Schools from Beyond Pesticides provides some ideas for schoolyards specifically