project Ideas

Insect Hotel

Solitary bees do not produce wax and build hives.  Instead, they nest in small tunnels such as hollow plant stems, rotting logs, and burrows left by other insects. These cavity nesting bees need dry, safe hollow spaces to lay their eggs and raise their young. Traditional nesting sites such as dead trees or uncut rough grass are often removed from modern gardens and landscapes to make them look neat and tidy. If you want to provide a home for insect pollinators in your garden, consider making an insect hotel.

Sustainability Goals this Project Meets

Questions to Consider

As you consider this project idea, here are some questions to ask:

  • Does this project address the threats of your pollinator species? How?

  • How can this project help your ecosystem?

  • What are the specific ways your project will help your pollinator species? If you feel like your project won't help enough, you can combine multiple projects.
  • Is this an effective project for the space in which you are working?

  • Does your class have the time, money, and ability to do this project?

Helpful Resources

If your class chooses to take on this project to help your species, here are some useful resources: