project Ideas

Creating a Shelter for Bats

Pollinating bats need access to shelter to hide and raise their young. Bats usually prefer to roost in cool, dark places with high ceilings, including natural crevices, caves, abandoned mines, eaves of buildings, and even in dead trees. However, these places can be hard for bats to find in areas with more development, which forces them to look elsewhere for places to roost. Building a bat box is a great way to attract bats to your community and provide them with a safe home.

Relevant United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG’s) are a list of projects and actions that all countries can take on to improve their economies and reduce poverty while also protecting the planet. If you choose this project for your Quest, you will help address climate change through the goals listed below:

Questions to Consider

As you consider this project idea, here are some questions to ask:

  • Does this project address the threats of your pollinator species? How?

  • How can this project help your ecosystem?

  • What are the specific ways your project will help your pollinator species? If you feel like your project won't help enough, you can combine multiple projects.
  • Is this an effective project for the space in which you are working?

  • Does your class have the time, money, and ability to do this project?

Helpful Resources

If your class chooses to take on this project to help your species, here are some useful resources: