project ideas

Stop Fertilizers and Pesticides

Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used for gardens, lawns, and farms are full of toxic chemicals that harm both terrestrial and aquatic animals (not to mention people!). These chemicals first kill off helpful soil microorganisms, causing the soil to turn into lifeless dirt. When it rains, this loose dirt washes away and carries these harmful chemicals with it. Where do the soil and toxins end up? In our freshwaters! This causes water to become more toxic, acidic, and salty. It also increases sedimentation, or buildup of silt and other substances on the bottom layer of the waterbed. If you have a garden, you can learn more about how to switch to organic gardening (gardening without the use of fertilizers and pesticides). At your school or community park, you can work to stop the use of fertilizers and pesticides there, too! You will need to get in contact with the people who take care of those sites so you can talk with them about their methods.

Relevant United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG’s) are a list of projects and actions that all countries can take on to improve their economies and reduce poverty while also protecting the planet. If you choose this project for your Quest, you will help address climate change through the goals listed below:

Relevant Drawdown Solutions

Drawdown Solutions are a list of actions and technologies that draw down carbon from the atmosphere and benefit people and communities at the same time. By choosing this project for your Quest, you will be helping decrease carbon in our atmosphere in the following ways:

Helpful Resources

If you're interested in this project, here are some resources that you might find helpful: