
Know, Need, Do


Let's discuss what you observed about your river, lake, or wetland.

This will help us figure out what we know, need to know, and want to do. Here are a few questions to get you thinking.

  • How are places around and in rivers, lakes, or wetlands the same or different?
  • What kinds of plants and animals live in and around your water? What did you see?
  • What kind of development is around your water?
  • What signs did you notice of human impact (positive and negative)?
  • What are your favorite, and least favorite, experiences and places around your water? Why?
  • What do you know about other lakes, rivers, and wetlands around Minnesota?

What do you already KNOW about your lake or river from observations, experiences, and prior knowledge?

What do you NEED to know to be able to help your lake or river?

What ideas do you have for what you could DO to help your lake or river?

Questions to Consider

Think about your observations and personal experiences.

Brainstorm a group or individual list for K, N, and D.

K: What do you already KNOW from your observations, experiences, and background knowledge?

N: What do you NEED to know to be able to effectively help your local river or lake? (Answer with open-ended questions starting with who, what, when, where, how, or what if. )

D: What ideas do you have for what you could DO to help your local river or lake?