project ideas

Lawn Conversion

Lawns and landscaped parks are a huge contributor to sedimentation and pollution of freshwater ecosystems. Many people use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to keep green grass in their lawns and parks, but these fertilizers and pesticides are toxic to animals! When it rains, these chemicals wash away and end up in our freshwaters, harming plants and animals. Gardens can help trap runoff and create a habitat for plants and animals in your backyard. Making sure to plant some native plants and avoid using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides will ensure that your garden helps freshwaters even more.

Relevant United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG’s) are a list of projects and actions that all countries can take on to improve their economies and reduce poverty while also protecting the planet. If you choose this project for your Quest, you will help address climate change through the goals listed below:

Relevant Drawdown Solutions

Drawdown Solutions are a list of actions and technologies that draw down carbon from the atmosphere and benefit people and communities at the same time. By choosing this project for your Quest, you will be helping decrease carbon in our atmosphere in the following ways:

Helpful Resources

If you're interested in this project, here are some resources that you might find helpful: