Design and Do
Steps to Design and Do Your Project
Planning your project requires teamwork. As a team, complete the Project Planner to design a SMARTER plan to improve the health of your freshwater site.
A SMARTER plan is
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely, Ethical, Relevant.
Once you have completed the Project Planner, submit it to Hero Headquarters using the form below.

Well-designed projects are SMARTER: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely, Ethical, and Realistic. Your design should help your species by improving the health of the freshwater ecosystem site or watershed.
Do the Work

When are you going to do your project? Do you need volunteers? How are you going to get everyone organized?

Planning for communications includes how you will tell others what you are doing (including getting permission!) and how you will document your work.
Take Care

How are you going to make sure your project is taken care of after you are finished? What can you do to ensure your project continues to help your species and its freshwater habitat after you are done with the project?
Budget and Fundraise

How much do you think your project is going to cost? Where can you get the materials you need? How can you raise the funds you'll need?
Check for Success

How will you know if your project is helping your animal species and the watershed? What are some ways you could collect data from your project to measure your impact?