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Keep Going!

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Quest for your Watershed! You are helping to create a better environment for your community, and that helps the whole planet! Want to help our planet even more?

Ways To Stay Engaged

Join Planeteer Alliance

The Planeteer Alliance is a global community of passionate young people (age 10-25) transforming their impatience for change into action for the climate and planet. It's free to join and creates opportunities for leadership, team projects, contests, community, resources, and more!

Establish a Planeteer Club

Planeteer Clubs focus on engaging their local communities in the mission of the Planeteer Alliance – accelerating known solutions to climate change. If you have a club or want to start one, it's easy to become a Planeteer Club!

Complete Another Quest

There are many other Quests to help other species and ecosystems across the US. Check out the Quest to save pollinators, to build healthy soil, to support coexistence with wolves, and more.