Are you ready to help? It is time to put what you've learned about uses of your river and watershed to action on behalf of your watershed. In this section, your challenge is to focus on ONE of the challenges you explored that is posing a problem for your watershed, and identify and design a solution to make a difference. You may not be able to SOLVE the problem by yourself, but you can be part of the Solution!

We will follow the engineering design process as you define and design your Solution. 

  1. DEFINE the local problem you want to focus on
  2. EXPLORE solution ideas 
  3. DESIGN a plan to implement your solution and gather materials needed
  4. DO THE WORK to implement your solution
  5. OBSERVE how well your solution is working to address the problem
  6. ADAPT your solution as necessary
  7. TEACH others about your solution and why it's important to protect and restore our watersheds

First, let's define the problem you want to focus on.