Empowering Your Students
Project Hero is a free online platform that offers standards-oriented and authentic project-based learning experience for empowering and engaging students to take action for their local endangered species and ecosystems.
Each Quest students undertake is a unique learning and activation journey that focuses on locally-relevant environmental issues. We present multi-media content, lessons, and activities for exploring and understanding the threats to local species and ecosystems. Every quest culminates in a hands-on project to empower your students to make a meaningful impact in their environment.
When you register for a free account as an educator, you gain access to additional teaching resources, tips, and opportunities, including eligibility for grant funds to support your class's projects.
I’m interested! Where do I begin?
In order to get started with your Quest and to qualify for grant funds to support it, create your free Project Hero educator account here! You'll get updates on new Quests, access to great educator resources, notices of cool opportunities, and lots more.
Available Quests
Explore and learn more about the Quests available for your class
Hackensack River Quest
Quest issued by: Turner Foundation, The Hackensack Riverkeeper, and Waterkeeper Alliance
Geography: Hackensack watershed
Target Grade Bands: 5th-8th
Ecosystem: Watersheds
Quest for Longleaf Pine
Quest issued by: US Forest Service, Moore Charitable Foundation & Wade Research Foundation
Geography: Southeastern US
Target Grade Bands: 5th-8th
Ecosystem: Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
Pollinator Quest
Quest issued by Captain Planet Foundation
Geography: US (50 states + Puerto Rico)
Target Grade Bands: 3rd-5th
Ecosystem: Pollinator Species
Soil Quest
Quest issued by Kiss the Ground
Geography: US (50 states + Puerto Rico)
Target Grade Bands: 5th-8th
Ecosystem: Soil Ecosystems; Climate
Quest for Coexisting with Wolves
Quest issued by: Turner Endangered Species Fund
Geography: Western US
Target Grade Bands: 8th-12th
Ecosystem: Wolf as Keystone Predator
MN Freshwater Quest
Quest issued by Wilderness Inquiry
Geography: Minnesota
Target Grade Bands: 5th-8th
Ecosystem: Freshwater systems of MN