Minnesota Freshwater Quest
Grade Bands: Upper Elementary
Middle School
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Heroes Needed!
The species of Minnesota Waterways need your help!
Minnesota is a place and culture defined by rivers and lakes. But the health of those waterways, and the wellbeing of the species that rely on those waters are in trouble.
That trouble is directly related to the actions and behaviors of people living on the land, and we need to make better decisions.
Will you help the freshwater systems of Minnesota?
Interested in using the Minnesota Freshwater Quest with your students? Below is an introduction to Project Hero and the Minnesota Quest by Captain Planet Foundation Vice President and Project Hero Lead, Courtney Kimmel.
The Problem
Minnesota has 28,176 different lakes, ponds, and wetlands around the state, and 34,167 miles of rivers and streams. That's a LOT of shoreline where contaminants on land - soil, pollutants, nutrients, salts, toxins - have the opportunity to wash into the water.
Polluted waterways affect the OUR health as well as the health of many other species who rely on these waterways for their homes and food - fish, mussels, birds, mammals, amphibians, insects.
These species need your help to improve the health of the waters we all rely on.

How Can You Help?
In this Quest, Heroes are challenged to identify the threats to species and human health in their own community's waterways.
Then, teams of students will identify and implement meaningful solutions to make a measurable improvement.
Grant funds are available to support projects for teams who demonstrate progress and submit data throughout the Quest, including an opportunity for your class to participate in a CanoeMobile Experience with Wilderness Inquiry.