Empowering your Students
Fostering Activated & Empowered Students
Project Hero offers a turn-key, place-based, standards-oriented, and authentic project-based learning experience for your students. You can choose between different Quests, or unique learning and activation journeys focused on locally-relevant environmental issues or ecosystems, for your students. Each Quest presents multi-media content, lessons, and activities for exploring and understanding the threats to that ecosystem which are focused at different grade bands. Quests culminate in a hands-on project to empower students to make a meaningful impact on their environment, which are supported by small grants to cover material expenses.
When you register for a free account as an educator, you'll learn about new Quests as they are made available. Your account allows you to access additional teaching resources, tips, and opportunities, including eligibility for grant funds to support your class's projects.

Quests are unique learning journeys you can choose from for your students. Quests are defined by three parameters:
- environmental issue or ecosystem of focus
- geography (to keep it local)
- grade-band (to ensure appropriate reading level and concepts
Each Quest is sponsored by organizations that support that environmental issue, who also provide access to projects, support, and grant funds.

Hero Society
Don't worry! You won't have to do this alone. The Hero Society is a group of content area experts who have volunteered to support students and classes in their Quest to help species and ecosystems in trouble. You can access profiles of members of the Hero Society by clicking on icon displayed. Each Hero Society indicates how they'd like engage with your students in their profile.

Projects & Grant Funds
Quests culminate in a hands-on project that makes a meaningful difference for the species or ecosystem of that Quest. Your students will have voice & choice in project design and implementation, but the platform offers ideas and resources to help. Project Hero also offers small grants to cover material expenses for registered educators that submit Quest updates through their Dashboard.
Available Quests
Explore and learn more about the Quests available for your class:
Getting Started
I’m interested! Where do I begin?
In order to get started with your Quest and to qualify for grant funds to support it, create your free Project Hero educator account here! You'll get updates on new Quests, access to great educator resources, notices of cool opportunities, and lots more.
Guiding a Quest

Browse & Select a Quest
Choose from Quests that range grade-bands, geography, ecosystems, etc. Once you've registered for one, it will appear on your dashboard along with a unique URL and other important information.

Review Educator Information
An educator's guide will be available on your Dashboard. In addition, when you're logged into your Quest, you'll have access to educator notes and resources throughout the Quest to enhance your experience.

Guide your Students to Become Heroes
The Quest is student facing, but maximizing it to its fullest potential requires teacher guidance and facilitation. But be prepared to let your students discover their own path.

Submit Reports
You'll see periodic surveys to provide updates on your class's Quest. Completion of these reports is what qualifies you for grant support, so don't forget!

Complete Project (w/ $)
The Quest will culminate in your students designing and completing a project to help the species or ecosystem in trouble. Grant support available to help!

Share Your Success
Half of the power of your student's achievement is in the telling of their story. Tell your community (and Project Hero) about what your students accomplished!