Wolf Coexistence Quest
Grade Bands: Middle School and High School
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The Problem
Some people are afraid of wolves, some see wolves as competitors for our resources and livelihoods, and still others mistrust decision-makers for wolf management. These perceptions create conflicts and keep people from exploring ways to peacefully coexist with this native predator. If we are to find a way to live with wolves, we need to understand the reasons for these conflicts. We also need to know about the tools and practices people can use that prevent conflict and allow both people and wolves to thrive.

How Can You Help?
This Quest is designed to help you make sense of the wolf’s complex story and seek out ways that people and wolves can share land and resources so that the needs, rights, and livelihoods of both are respected. Ultimately, your challenge is to create an innovative project that helps a particular group of people learn more about coexisting with wolves, and what they can do to minimize conflicts with wolves and with other people about wolves. Your actions can make a positive difference!