Longleaf Pine Quest
grade bands: middle school
Heroes Needed!
The longleaf pine ecosystem needs your help
Did you know that some ecosystems actually depend on
regularly occurring fire to be healthy and vibrant?
The longleaf pine ecosystem is one of these systems. It is also home to a bunch of really interesting plants and endangered animals that can only be found at home here.
Will you help the plant and animal species
living in the longleaf pine ecosystem?
The Problem
Some ecosystems depend on fire to keep their cycles balanced, trees seeding, and species homed.
The problem? We humans don't really like forest fires! So we work hard to prevent and fight naturally occurring and necessary fire in the long leaf pine system. Or we get concerned when a prescribed fire is run by conservation organizations working to keep this ecosystem in balance!

How Can You Help?
In this Quest, students will UNCOVER and EXPLORE the species of a fire dependent ecosystem.
Then then Quest will lead them on a journey of learning life science concepts through the lens of a selected species in order to identify the threats facing it. Ultimately, student teams and classrooms will design and implement a project to make a meaningful difference for the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem.
Small grant funds are available to help with the material costs of projects for classes that register for the Quest and submit feedback and data at various checkpoints.
Quest Guidelines
Geographic Focus: US - Longleaf Pine Ecosystem range
Target Grade Bands: 3rd - 5th
Focus Ecosystem: Longleaf Pine Ecosystem and its endangered species

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