Join the Hero Society

Members of the Hero Society are volunteers with relevant content area expertise and enthusiasm for sharing your knowledge and expertise with young aspiring conservationists. As a member of the Hero Society, you can decide what Quests you want to support and how you want to communicate with classes who have accepted that Quest.

Sign Up for the Hero Society

  • something short and fun that captures your expertise and/ or passion
  • your email address will not be displayed - messages will be sent to your email through the platform
  • Note: Your address will not be displayed but will be used to provide a radius of where you'd be willing to visit (if at all).
  • please provide a short bio including how you became involved in your work on behalf of species and ecosystems
  • Please try to provide a headshot photo that you think captures you 'in your natural habitat'!
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Image you'd like displayed in the banner of your profile page. Ideally landscape photo of your 'native habitat'!
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, Max. file size: 50 MB.